Nubalboa 2024 - intermedio

Este nivel está completo por el momento. Si hubiese cancelaciones el sistema enviará automáticamente emails de aviso a las personas que estén en lista de espera.

Tomas clases y vas a baile social regularmente. Conoces el vocabulario básico (up basic, down basic, outs and ins, throw out, come around, lollies y swivels) y quieres seguir trabajando en ello además de mejorar tu técnica y conexión.

Este pase incluye cuatro horas de clases (2h sábado y 2h domingo) y las cuatro fiestas (jueves, viernes, sábado y domingo).



This level is full at the moment. If there are any cancellations, the system will automatically send an email to the people who are on the waiting list.

You attend to balboa classes and social dances regulary, you know the basics (up basic, down basic, outs and ins, throw out, come around, lollies y swivels) and want to keep working on those basics as well as improving your technique and conection.

This pack includes four hours of classes (2h Saturday and 2h Sunday) and all four parties (Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday)