Profesores Brothers in Jazz 2020

Remy Kouakou Kouame - solo jazz


Remy began dancing Boogie Woogie at age 6 in his hometown of Montpellier, France, and by 2006 he and his partner Sarah Montalban became World Boogie Woogie Champions.  Since then, he has become an acclaimed international Lindy Hop and solo jazz instructor who has also earned several titles at the International Lindy Hop Championships.

The music video “Two Cousins,”  put him on the radar of many Lindy Hoppers,  He works with strong partners like Ramona Staffeld and Alice Mei. He thinks it’s important to “master the dance before mastering the art of selling yourself,” and he feels dancers should focus on finding their own groove instead of recreating the past.

What he likes to share the most is the joy that dancing provides. Then he is fighting against intellectualization of the dance and argues for fun and feelings. For him, dancing is… to live… to express!


Gastón, "Gas" Fernández, solo jazz


Gastón “Gas” Fernández is a professional dancer and dance instructor, based in Madird, Spain. He specializes in vintage dance styles including Lindy Hop, Charleston, authentic jazz, Balboa, Blues and Tango. As a former gymnast he is known in the swing dance community for his powerful acrobatics and aerials, while his background in Tango gives his blues style drama and strength, grounded in a sensitive connection with his partner. Gastón’s passion for swing has taken him around the world, teaching from New york to Melbourne, he has taught in some of the best swing and blues camps in the world, like Herran, Snowball, MSF, Lindy shock, Smokey feet, Berlin Blues Explotion, Noctourne Blues, and many more

Gastón is devoted to promoting and fostering swing dance and culture in Argentina, Latin America and Spain. He has directed two stage productions featuring live jazz and vintage dance in Buenos Aires:  Swing Argentino with the Cuerdas del Sur band, and La Batalla: Swing en el Konex with the Antigua Jazz Band.  He also runs South America’s first and largest annual swing dance festival, LHAIF (Lindy Hop Argentina International Festival) each year in Buenos Aires and the first Blues event in South America, “Careless weekend”

He has also been a major proponent of Blues dance in Buenos Aires and is now is teaching  Blues internationally. With intense partner connection, Gas fuses Blues with Tango technique, though always striving to stay grounded in the essence of the Blues.

Gastón is also an avid jazz music collector and a popular DJ. He has DJ’d for swing and blues dancers around the world.




Ainara Prieto - Hip Hop


Ainara Prieto is a spanish dancer, teacher and choreographer characterized for her versatility and passion. She is a reference in Spain into the HIP HOP scene but she also works tap, contemporary, jazz and swing dances proffesionally what provides her a more global knowledge of the dance. Currently she runs the first proffesional hip hop company in Madrid called COMUNITY DANZA, founded by her in 2015. Recognized as one of the best teachers of urban styles due to her dedication and to bring the perfect vibe in her classes is responsible of the union created in the last years betwen hip hop and swing community in Madrid.  


Yoshie HIP HOP


Yoshie es una súper bailarina japonesa experta en muchos géneros de danza como Soul, Lock, Waack / Punking y Jazz. Su poder de influencia es grande no solo en Japón sino también en el extranjero. Ella es el nivel superior dentro de la escena de baile callejero. YOSHIE también ha ganado muchos campeonatos en famosas batallas de baile. 

Yoshie is a Japanese super dancer who is skilled in many genres of dance such as Soul, Lock, Waack/Punking and Jazz. Her power of influence is big not only in Japan but also overseas.
She is the top level within the street dance scene. YOSHIE also has won the many championships in famous dance battles.




Claudia Fonte



Bailarina de Swing (Lindy Hop y Authentic Jazz), Clàudia Fonte explora y recoge todas las maneras que se le ocurren para jugar con su baile. Su principal fuente de inspiración es la música Swing. Donde realmente se expresa y se muestra libremente es en el baile solo. Improvisando, crea un ambiente para jugar y desarrollar sin límites la creatividad para encontrar sus movimientos. Compartiendo diferentes herramientas, ve que todo bailarín puede encontrar su propia forma de expresar sus propios movimientos y así, sentirse cómodo con su baile.


Swing dancer (Lindy Hop & Authentic Jazz), Clàudia Fonte explores and embraces all kinds of playful ways in her dancing. Her main source is Swing music. Furthermore, she likes to connect and communicate with the other dancers and get inspired by them in partner dancing, as well as in solo dancing. Where she really expresses herself and shows herself is solo dance. Improvising creates a fruitful and joyful environment to find new movements and to set creativity free while providing the dancer with a cheerful atmosphere. Authentic Jazz enables her to achieve and explore challenges proposed by Swing music. Essential to her approach is promoting solo dancing in the context of social dancing, as well. Dancefloor is where everything starts and where the magic happens.



Vanessa Testas



Bailarina profesional de danzas urbanas y ritmos latinos, destacando el Mambo entre todos los estilos que hay. Vanesa ha sido dos veces campeona en el Mundial de salsa de Pasos Libres en la categoría de dúo de la Negra Salsa Festival (España 2016 y 2017) , campeona en el Mundial Miami Salsa Summit 2019 en la categoría de grupo Lady Style Pro y subcampeona en la categoría de dúo de pasos libres. Entre otros proyectos cabe destacar su participación en “Stravagirls dance company”. Si algo caracteriza a Vane es la fuerza y la pasión que transmite en cada uno de sus bailes, sin importar la disciplina que la haya llevado al escenario en ese momento y eso mismo encontraréis en sus clases. 

Professional dancer of urban dances and latin rhythms, highlighting Mambo among all the styles there are; Vanesa has been twice champion in the World of Salsa de Pasos Libres in the duo category of the “Negra Salsa Festival” (Spain 2016 and 2017), champion in the “Miami World Salsa Summit” 2019 in the category of Lady Style Pro group and runner-up in the duo category of free steps. Among other projects, it is worth mentioning its participation in “Stravagirls dance company”. If something characterizes Vane, is the strength and passion that she transmits in each of her dances, regardless of the discipline that has taken her to the stage at that time and you will find that same in her classes.